Friday, March 16, 2012

Finding the Inner Beauty In Life

Yesterday I had two choices in front of me. I could either just skip my Christian Bible study because I decided that the girls were mean, hypocritical, and not true friends: after all, I only had 61 days left until graduation and I would never even see them again.
Or. I could look at the situation in a whole new light, realize it might have been just a misunderstanding. Give these wonderful girls a second chance because, well, I only had 61 days left until graduation and I am going to miss them.
So I went with option number two and followed my heart all the way to Bible study and I am really glad that I did. We talked about inner beauty and what it means to truly be beautiful. Especially with warmer weather coming my way, that can also mean more insecurities when it comes to seeing that all the immodestly dressed girls are the ones who are getting the guys.  Whatever.
Anyways, coming home from Bible study I was in the really happy mood just listening to my country music and sitting at a stop light when some players from my high schools football team came right up next to me and they all waved to me :) It made me feel special :) haha
So today started off really great, I was feeling beautiful, happy, motivated. And then it happened. I saw my ex boyfriend with his girlfriend. blah. Now this is the ex boyfriend prior to Sam. It was a really terrible relationship and an even worse break up. I avoid him as much as possible and we broke up in October... 2 years ago. Seeing him sucks. and I hate how he still gets to me some days (some days he doesn't even phase me) but today he definitely did and I just felt ugly. I just wanted to go home and curl my hair or something haha. But instead I went to my seminary class :) We talked about the trials in our life, how the atonement can help us, and what Christ went through for each and everyone of us. I admit it, I cried.
So to follow this next portion of my day you should know that Claire's is never giving me real hours. I only get on call hours and it is awful. But the deli that I work at gives me fifteen to twenty-five hours a week (got my first pay check today! cha-ching!!) Well I was faced with another choice. I was on call for Claire's tonight for two hours (Claire's never actually calls) or I had a real five hours at the deli. What would you do? Well I went with the deli. And after five hours of work I checked my phone to find I had a voice mail from Claire's. UH-OH! There was absolutely, positively, no way in the world I was going to check that voice mail all alone in my car in a dark parking lot. No way! So I went home and in the comforts of my parents bed made my mommy call my voice mail, put the phone on speaker-phone, and hold it. Well, I was right. Claire's did not need me to work. However, they need me to work on Sunday. My initial reaction was complete and utter relief. I figured one Sunday wouldn't be bad. I could go to an earlier sacrament meeting and get paid a whole 80 cents more an hour that I do at the deli. But as time slowly went on... the more uneasy I felt with working on Sunday. Here I have two options. I can keep the Sabbath day holy or I can choose to make an exception. Choose to lower my standards just this once. Choose to settle for the hours they give me, when they want to give them to me, at their beckoning call.
I have made the decision that I am going to call tomorrow morning and I am going to quit.
Yes, at the end of the day the deli I work at is in the food industry, and yes it is 80 cents less an hour. But through prayer and thought I realized that I can't put a price on my standards. I know that Heavenly Father is watching over me because I have a job that gives me hours and works really well with my schedule. I have a job where my manager is incredible. He is nice and today guess what he said! He said, "Valerie, I am really impressed with you and your work ethic. I really like you." :) made my night :)
I am making an adult decision, one that I know my Heavenly Father is aware of and I am grateful for the thoughts and feelings that I have had today as the Holy Ghost has guided and directed my path towards choosing to keep the Sabbath day holy.

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